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Reading 15 Minutes Of A Book For Success


It may not seem like a habit, but turning technology off is actually a great challenge that I have discovered. At least once a week I turn off iPhones (yes I have two that are always on), iPads (yes I have two of those too) and computers (I have four of those, sad I know).

It’s very easy to become plugged into the internet all the time and to never be able to tune out. This can affect the relationships with the ones you love or give you a feeling that you are always answerable to someone.

“The moment you feel like you always need to check in with someone or something, is the moment that you become a slave to society – Tim Denning “

So from now on, once a week, get all of your technology, lock it in a wardrobe and turn it all off. Then get in your car and go somewhere amazing or explore a part of the world you have never been too. Once you return from your escape, go back to your technology and notice how you’re not so dependent on it and that the world didn’t end while you were away.

It’s amazing how the people around you find other ways to get things done when they can’t contact you!


Bet you haven’t read this habit a lot before. It’s one I use all the time, and it’s quite simple. Whenever you have to make a major decision in your life about anything, thrash it out with your network of contacts and friends, and then sleep on it and don’t take action for 24 hours.

The decisions I recommend doing this on are ones where there is no turning back. It’s not necessary for decisions like my Toastmasters example where you can always cancel. The reason this habit is so powerful is that sometimes we can make a decision based on a certain emotion or state.

When you sleep on something, you come back to it the next day with a fresh mind and a chance to see the situation differently. If the next day, I still feel the same way, it generally means that the decision I wanted to make the day before is the right one.

The happiness I have experienced from this habit has mainly been because it has stopped me making rash decisions that I might regret. Try this one for yourself!


Rather than going on social media every day to showcase your life and make others feel jealous, try going on there with a fresh mindset. This habit has been a real eye-opener for me, and I have had so many benefits from it.

Instead of posting all the bad news or posting useless humour videos, try and put something up that can add value or inspire another person. You don’t have to sound all hippy or anything, maybe just try a quote that you love or post a photo of something in nature.

You could also have a look on Youtube and see if there is a video that could inspire others and then post it with a little comment about what you got from it. As time goes on you might want to create your own videos or posts that can help other people. For this habit to work you have to forget about what anyone might think

Yes, there will be people who you’re connected with on social media who may not have seen this side of you before but it exists in everyone, and we will all reveal it at some stage. Sometimes it just takes an event in our life to showcase our need to inspire or add value to others.

This small habit has completely transformed my life, and so many people contact me and share their stories or say thank you. I thought there would be some people that wouldn’t like what I was doing, but even the most negative people in my network appreciated it.

So, go on social media tonight, post something amazing, and then do this on a daily or weekly basis. Then, watch how much your happiness increases from this one small habit!


Each day, try and remember to say thank you to at least one person. The key here is to make sure it’s warranted, and you mean it. There will always be someone that you speak with each day who has helped you with something or done something for you.

The best way is to tell the person face to face or ring them and tell them how grateful you are that they helped you. If those two options are not your style, then send them an email and just say thank you. Keep it short, keep it genuine and practice this habit daily.

Watch how many people rush to help you next time you’re in need and how happy this habit makes you feel!

Image Credit: Pond5

So that’s it, everyone. Try some of these out and see how you go. They’re not the typical habits that people follow, but they’re ones that have benefited me. I wanted to show you seven habits that you may not have read elsewhere or that are executed in a slightly different way.

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